The Way Out

I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am seventy years old, so this really came as no surprise. Unwelcome news, to be certain, but all of us who have reached this stage in life should be prepared for such things. I knew probably what most men know when they get the news: not much. This is not a satisfactory state to be in, so I've set about learning as much as I can, and am setting the chronicle of my journey down here.

One of my favorite stories came from the TV show, The West Wing, in which Josh is dealing with PSTD and wants to know why Leo is standing by him. Leo tells the story of a man who fell into a hole and could not climb out. He asked passersby to help, but is ignored until a friend comes by and jumps in the hole with him.

"What did you do that for?" the man said, "Now we're both stuck down here."

"It's OK," the friend says, "I've been down here before. I know the way out."

There are many other people out there who know the way out and I will be forever grateful for the guides I have found, and will encounter, on the way out. I hope to become a guide as well through the pages of this blog.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Follow Up Visit, Breathing Room, and Buy the Book

Had a good follow up visit with my primary health PA today. The most pressing issue is these damn allergies that are keeping my nose stopped up and my cough going. I am now armed with information and medicine, along with a routine to finally get rid of the little buggers for good.

We talked about my desires and approach to PC. My PA put my wife at ease with the information that I have on spread outside the gland. I'd tried to support this notion before, but it's good that she got the "official" word. I didn't mind hearing it again either.

Given my age and the percentage and grade of cells found by the biopsy, I have plenty of time to monitor this thing and make some considered decisions.

In this case, time is on my side. More advances in medicine and technology will be made in the next few years, all to my advantage I believe. And, while that time goes on, I might get caught by the grim reaper in entirely some other fashion.

I must repeat. Don't get rushed into anything you may regret.

Whenever the subject of prostate cancer comes up around men, and women too, the cancer word kind of takes over the conversation and perceptions of most people. As the authors of The Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers point out, for most of us, this should be considered as a condition rather than a disease with the reputation that cancer enjoys. But, I've seen this happen, the attitude and perceptions of those involved in the conversation always move toward doing something. Treatment. Cure.

I've not met many men who had PC, or have it, that were not moved toward some kind of treatment pretty early in the diagnosis stage. And, most did not fully understand the consequences of treatment.

Don't let that be you. Buy that book and learn about what we are dealing with - the condition, and the industry that has developed around it. The Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers. A most significant and important book.

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