So, bad news follows bad I guess. I took the car into the dealer for a checkup while I am living here in the "big city" and was told that it has problems. It's running and all, but sometime not too far down the line, it will need some serious maintenance. Now, I love my car. I've had it since it was new and it's served us well. Besides, it's fun to drive, but it's also approaching eleventh year and major issues can be expected. So, on top of everything else, I have been car shopping, which, as you know, can suck. I've finally narrowed it down to two dealers and am looking for the best price. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to pay for it.
I stayed here over the weekend because we are moving treatment up to Sunday so that I can leave for home after my Wednesday treatment and spend Thanksgiving there. I'm really looking forward to it. I miss my wife and home and need a break from this routine. Up in the morning and make myself have a good breakfast. Make sure I drink enough water before the treatment so my bladder is extended and out of the way of the radiation beam. Walk across the street. Check in with my own bar code badge and wander down to the radiation reception. I'm beginning to see familiar faces waiting their turn.
Last week while I was waiting, someone down the hall struck a large bell three times. The sound rang though the ward and people applauded. Hanging near the entrance to the radiation area is a real, brass bell with a small hammer attached. When a patient is done with the course, he or she gets to smack the bell three times, signaling that their course is over and they are going home. Man, I'm gonna smack that thing pretty soon.
This weekend has shown me that the most difficult part of this so far is the fact that I have to be away from home and from my wife for five weeks. Living alone is not what some people fantasize. I've had friends tell me that they would love to live by themselves but I think now that they don't know what they are talking about. If that's the way one has been for years then it's probably no big deal (but I might not believe that either) but for me, not having my wife and friends around, not being in my home or own bed at night is more like punishment. Sure, you can go visit a museum, eat out, go to a movie, walk in the part, wander around downtown keeping an eye on the crazoids, but when that's done, where do you return? To a small empty apartment with really nothing much to do.
OK, pity party over. I've got only two more days and I get to go home. For a while.